Bill Young’s Dirty Digital Jobs Tour: Planning is Underway!

The approximate route for the first leg of Bill’s Digital Dirty Jobs Tour.

At the end of this month, I’ll be driving to Austin, Texas and back, making the first couple of Dirty Digital Jobs visits. I’m awfully sick of winter so my plan is to take the southern route along the panhandle of Florida …

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Sharing can be hard work!

From the time we first started, sharing has been an important part of ShopBot’s DNA. The files to build a ShopBot were originally released by Ted Hall as shareware and there have been a steady stream of project files available since then. The fabrication files for one of my first projects, “Honey’s Canoe,” have …

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MakeLocal at the Autodesk Forge Developer Conference

Autodesk Forge DevCon 2016

Last October at the NY Maker Faire, 100kGarages collaborated with Josh Worley of Opendesk on an event we named MakeLocal. It took all the steps that go into shopping for a product and having it fabricated locally, specifically for you, and compressed that big-picture concept of local digital manufacturing into …

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Shelter 2.0 – An Open Design Project

I’ve been making things with ShopBots and sharing designs for ShopBot projects since the early days, almost 20 years ago. There have been boats, furniture, and design tools like Open Source Joinery, but the thing I’m most proud of is a side project, Shelter 2.0, that I work on with my friend and collaborator Robert Bridges. Robert and I …

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Good enough is good enough (for a while at least!)

Years ago I read an interview with the guy at Hinkley Yachts that does their varnishing. Hinkley is known for their beautiful finishes and he described their process: brush on a coat of varnish and wait for it to dry. Then sand with fine sandpaper to prepare for the next coat. …

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The Nerdy Derby Flat Track

Cutting a Nerdy Derby Flat Track Design Decisions:

The Nerdy Derby Flat Track project was created with three criteria:

It had to be shape-compatible with the original Nerdy Derby track, so that the same cars would fit on each track All the parts had to be cut-able with a Handibot, so no part could …

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Distributed manufacturing as waste management?

Whether you’re a production manufacturer using CNC machines, a cabinet shop cutting panels with a table saw, or a garage hobbyist working on weekends, even the most efficient cutting tools and powerful design sofware don’t let us utilize every square inch of every sheet of material we cut. This often makes us feel wasteful …

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My love/hate relationship with plywood


What an incredible time to be a fabricator! We have digital tools with incredible accuracy and precision and can make just about anything we can imagine. In reality though, we rarely need that much precision… we’re not making artificial heart valves! But if we had a need to fabricate something with ultra precision …

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We don’t all need to BE fabbers, but we all NEED fabbers!


Max Lobovsky, the founder of Formlabs and creator of the Form 1 3d printer, summed up the future of digital fabrication pretty well for me… “People don’t need the technology, they need the parts.”

We all know that digital tools—CNC machines, 3d printers, laser cutters, etc.—are amazing machines. We need to remember though …

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MakeLocal… distributed local manufacturing at the NY Maker Faire

Opendesk marketplace side-by-side with the 100kGarages fabrication facility outfitted with a ShopBot Desktop MAX.

During the last weekend in Sept, 2015, 100kGarages and Opendesk collaborated on MakeLocal, a demonstration of local manufacturing at the World Maker Faire in New York. It evolved from a conversation at the Bay Area Maker Faire with Josh Worley …

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