2011 Oakland Pk, FL Camp Shopbot

As promised earlier we are moving some of our Camp sites for the upcoming year. The first new site we  visited was at Dave Rosenbleeth’s shop (Professional Millwork) in Oakland Park, FL.

We also tried something a little different the day before the Camp by holding an abbreviated version of the training which people receive when they travel to Shopbot. Ted Hall and Bill Young tag team taught this event, and they had one of the new Desktop 2418 machines with them to show how the files they created would look when cut. While the session was geared for newer owners, there were a number of people there who have been working with a Shopbot for awhile, but they wanted a “refresher” class to see what other areas of work they might be interested in trying.

There were cabinet makers, sign makers, toy makers, and a few people who bought their machines for personal projects. This let everyone share a little of their own experiences with everyone else.

We also had a few “outside guest speakers” on hand. Will Sampson spoke to the group about the emergence of “green” technology in the cabinet making field, and he addressed some of the newer approaches being taken by shops all around the country. He also spoke about “regional issues” which might eventually impact ALL people building cabinets/furniture in the future.

“Jeff” from Dixie Plywood, followed up Will’s talk with an overview of the latest materials being made available to meet the new demands of the green movement, and he explained the “rating systems” now in place for certification, and compliance.

Kit. H.  is a Shopbotter who has figured out a way to escape her Upstate New York  Winter by becoming a “working snow bird” and collaborating with local Florida businesses to promote, and create signage on a Shopbot. She gave a great talk on some of the realities of running a sign business, and she had a few samples on hand to explain one of her methods of using both 3D carving, and digital printing together to get maximum impact.

The Camp was well attended, the topics were right on target, and the weather was in the low 80’s , so it was a great start for the 2011 Camp schedule!

Thanks again Dave for being the host.

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