Digital Fab at the Maker Faire, Paris

Paris’s first Maker Faire took place in late June at the Centquatre Center.

1_Maker Faire Paris poster

ShopBot had a presence there, thanks to Sallye from ShopBot putting a Handibot in a suitcase and flying it over for the event and leFabShop from San Malo bringing their Desktop. LeFabShop has a variety of digital fab tools and classes that are available for the public to partake in.3_Handibot travel cage4_Handibot and DesktopleFabShop booth

Other than the conversations taking place in French, it was much like a Maker Faire in the US, with lots of 3D printing 3D printing le Tour Eiffel 3D printers galore 3D Printers extraordinaire

Both the Handibot and the Desktop received a fair amount of attention from people of all ages. Both machines were set up to demonstrate how one would use CAD (computer-aided design) and CAM (computer-aided machining) to create a part file that could immediately be cut out on the ShopBot.5_young Parisian Handibot of all ages


John Bacus from SketchUp was able to play with the new feature where a file created in SketchUp can be imported into V Carve Pro and machined on the ShopBot. Why the umbrella?  Well, the light from the overhead skylights was too intense to see the screen, so we had to improvise. Sketchup 1_John designing for ShopBot cutting Sketchup 3_finished parts Sketchup 4_successful parts and too tight pieces


Next to leFabShop booth was a learn to solder station, part of a mobile FabLab sponsored by one of the major bricolage (hardware) stores in France.  Hmm, those tables and stools look remarkably familiar. Atelier des Bricoleurs _Solder StationAtelier des Bricoleurs_mobile


It’s great to see that the Maker movement is spreading across the world. Merci to all who helped to make this happen: David for the cage to put the Handibot in a suitcase and transport it as luggage, Bertier for letting ShopBot be a part of the leFabShop booth, and Omar and John from SketchUp for teaching me new ways to use the ShopBot.

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