Makers of All Ages – Come One, Come All!

two young girls smiling at maker faire  cnc carved symbols

The National Maker Faire in Washington DC, June 18-19th, was the kick off event for the National Week of Making which included, among many other activities, a Nation of Makers Kick-off Meeting; the White House’s Champions of Change for Making; and a special Capitol Hill Maker Faire for members of Congress and the public.

There were ashopbot employees posing at the national maker fairebout 15,000 attendees at the National Maker Faire this year. ShopBot’s booth was located in the midst of all the outdoor activity. We cut, carved, and drew for 2 days straight to the delight of both young and old. Our booth was staffed from various departments within ShopBot: the marketing department (Jeanne Taylor), web development (Brendan Collins and Aaron Wiggins), and production (Al-Solo Nyonteh) were all represented. A ShopBot Desktop cut pre-designed signs that were run from the new FabMo motion control system – allowing us to work wirelessly from our tablets and phone. With the Handibot tool in our booth, we used one of the apps that comes with the tool called ‘Smooth Sketch.’ The app allows visitors to draw with their finger on a tablet then carve their drawing into painted boards. We also used one of our favorite accessories for the Handibot, the pen holder. It was big hit, especially with the grade school crowd.

We’re looking forward to participating in this year’s World Maker Faire in New York, October 1st-2nd. Stop by and see us!

two shopbot employees

Are you a ShopBot user/owner? Is there a mini Maker Faire near you? Would you like to participate and represent ShopBot? Let us know. We’d love to work with you to help show off what you make. Contact us at

For 20 years, ShopBot Tools has been proudly helping makers make!

 "#1 dad" sign being cut by shopbot routerarmed forces member at national maker fairealamance makers guild wooden signred maker faire logo being cut by a handibot

boy wearing helmet at national maker faire handibot demonstration at national maker faire

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